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Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery At a Glance

  • Length of Surgery: 1-2 hours
  • Procedure: Outpatient with local or general anesthesia
  • Recovery: About 5 -10 days
  • Final Outcome: 10-14 days
  • Average Cost: $3,900 for upper blepharoplasty, and $6,000 for lower blepharoplasty

When skin around the eyes begins to stretch or weaken, it can lead to the area looking droopy and tired. Excess fat and skin accumulation can also contribute to a puffy, saggy, or aged appearance. Not only can sagging eyelid skin cause aesthetic issues, but in severe cases, it can reduce one’s field of vision over time. To help correct these cosmetic and functional concerns, eyelid surgery can be performed on the upper and/or lower eyelids. 

Our board-certified plastic surgeon in Corpus Christi, Dr. Cassidy Hinojosa, develops customized treatment plans to address the unique concerns of each patient to lift and recontour the eyelids for a rejuvenated yet natural-looking appearance. 

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty, also referred to as eyelid surgery, is a procedure designed to remove or reposition excess skin and fat from the eye region to create a more youthful, refreshed look. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelids (upper blepharoplasty), lower eyelids (lower blepharoplasty), or both, depending on the individual’s cosmetic concerns. Eyelid surgery can be an effective solution for improving droopy, heavy, crepey skin and tissue as well as displaced pockets of fat either as a single treatment or combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures.

What Are the Benefits of Eyelid Surgery?

When performed by a qualified and skilled plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Hinojosa, eyelid surgery can provide numerous benefits, including:

During an initial consultation, Dr. Hinojosa will carefully evaluate the condition of the eyelids and discuss all cosmetic concerns to develop a treatment plan that best suits the individual goals of the patient.

What is Involved in the Blepharoplasty Procedure?

The particulars of a blepharoplasty procedure depend on whether surgery is performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, which can also affect which type of sedation is administered—general or local anesthesia. For upper blepharoplasty, a small incision is made along the natural crease of the upper lid to remove or reposition excess skin and fat. With lower blepharoplasty, the incision is made along the inside of the lower eyelid (transconjunctival) or on the outside below the lash line. Again, any unwanted fatty tissue, loose skin, and lax muscle will be removed and then carefully tightened and smoothed. 

Dr. Hinojosa takes meticulous care to ensure incisions are placed where they will be best hidden, and she takes the time to carefully close them with tiny sutures. This helps to ensure the least amount of visible scarring upon healing for inconspicuous, natural-looking results. Generally, upper or lower blepharoplasty takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete, whereas it may take approximately two hours when both procedures are combined together.

How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost?

At Hinojosa Plastic Surgery, the average cost of upper blepharoplasty is around $3,900, while the average cost of lower blepharoplasty is around $6,000. However, exact pricing varies by patient. There are several factors to consider that may further affect the total costs, including surgeon’s and facility fees, complexity of the treatment, anesthesia costs, and whether any ancillary procedures are performed at the same time. After an initial consultation with Dr. Hinojosa, our team will provide a personalized estimate based on your unique treatment plan.

Insurance coverage may be available in cases where upper eyelid surgery is being performed to address vision issues caused by loose, overhanging skin. Our team can help review your candidacy and submit the necessary paperwork to get pre-authorized.

Coastal Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center also works with trusted third-party healthcare lenders PatientFi® and CareCredit® to provide financing options for qualified applicants. Our team is happy to discuss available payment options and answer any questions you may have. 

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about eyelid surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hinojosa, please contact Coastal Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center today.

Medical References for Eyelid Surgery: 

ASPS: Eyelid Surgery
