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What Is an Augmentation Mastopexy?

Augmentation mastopexy is a cosmetic surgery designed to address both the size and position of the breasts in one comprehensive procedure by combining the shaping and firming powers of a breast lift with the volumizing effects of a breast augmentation (breast implants). A breast augmentation with lift is generally performed by removing excess skin in the chest area, elevating loose or lax breast tissue, and placing either silicone or saline breast implants in the desired position on the chest wall. When performed by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon, the results of a breast lift with implants can restore a more youthful, natural-looking breast appearance that is proportionate to the patient’s individual physique.

What Is the Breast Lift with Implants Procedure Like?

Typically, a breast lift with implants is an outpatient procedure that may last two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The details can vary per individual based on the customized treatment plan, complexities of the treatment, and overall desired cosmetic goals. During an initial consultation with Dr. Hinojosa, more specific details of the procedure will be discussed, such as the placement of the incisions for the breast lift (will depend on the extent of lift needed), selection of size and material for the breast implants, and reduction or resizing of the nipple-areolar complexes, if necessary.

During the procedure, some degree of breast tissue will be removed, tightened, and elevated to complete the lift portion of the procedure. Thereafter, and usually utilizing the same surgical incisions as the lift, a pocket will be created to insert the breast implants (either silicone or saline). The remaining skin will be pulled tautly over the breasts to finalize the new breast contours.

What Is Recovery Like After a Breast Augmentation with Lift?

Following a breast augmentation with lift procedure, it is normal for patients to experience some degree of soreness, tightness, swelling, and bruising in the chest area. These symptoms are usually temporary and most patients report that they are well-tolerated with oral pain medication, as directed by Dr. Hinojosa.

Although each individual has a unique rate of healing, most patients are able to return to sedentary work and light activities within one to two weeks. Patients should wait to resume more strenuous physical activities—including vigorous exercise and heavy lifting—for four to six weeks. During scheduled follow-up visits, Dr. Hinojosa will monitor the recovery process and be able to advise on when it is safe to return to your normal routines and activities. It is strongly recommended to closely follow all post-surgery instructions to protect the incisions and surgical areas as they heal for a smooth, safe, and fast recovery.

How Much Does an Augmentation Mastopexy Cost?

In general, the average starting cost of an augmentation mastopexy at Coastal Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center is approximately $10,950 for saline and $11,350 for gel implants. However, the exact cost varies by each customized treatment plan based on the surgical techniques, the cost of the chosen breast implants, hospital and surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, and other factors. After completing a consultation with Dr. Hinojosa, a personalized quote will be provided that will thoroughly outline all associated costs so there is full transparency. Our practice offers financing options through trusted third-party healthcare lenders, PatientFi® and CareCredit®, to offer qualified applicants programs to pay for treatment in low- or no-interest installments. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team regarding any questions you may have regarding the cost of treatment. 

Schedule a Consultation

To learn if a breast lift with implants is right for your cosmetic goals, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hinojosa, please contact us today.

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